Thursday, September 8, 2022

Lets talk about the Active Obedience of Christ

Lets talk about the Active Obedience of Jesus Christ regarding the Gospel.
The Active Obedience of Jesus is just as important as his Passive Death regarding the Gospel/Good News. Believers in Jesus most commonly mention Jesus dying and paying the penalty for our sins. But do believers really understand that our fine/payment for our sins that Jesus satisfied is half of the Gospel we need and receive? The substitutionary death is not the full gospel. The Just shall live by Faith. We needed someone to keep the law and to be holy. We as believers are reconciled by Jesus's perfect righteousness and perfect obedient life along with His death. Jesus was perfect and totally obedient to the point of death on the cross for sins. God is a holy God. Meaning God is set apart from sin. Sin is not in Gods attributes. Jesus's perfect obedient life of holiness and righteousness is credited to the account of believers. It is the only way we can be with a holy God. Jesus satisfied the wrath of God. Jesus was born of a virgin, and was truly Man, as well as trulyGod. He lived a perfect sinless life and kept the law. He lived, died, and rose after being dead for 3 days, declaring victory over sin and death. Proving he was God.

Jesus's righteousness and obedience gets transferred and credited to our account. His perfect life He accomplished we receive. This part of the Good News we receive gives us hope and thankfulness and the motivation to trust in this Alien righteousness. Not only did Jesus die for us, But he lived for us. God gave the law to men, and we didn't keep it or obey it. The law of God is good and we are not. We need to trust and teach about relying on Jesus's life as well as his death. Knowing these gospel truths gives us hope and strength and assurance with the Holy Spirit. Knowing that Jesus substitutes his perfect life for our sinful life as well as payed our sin debt to bring us to God, is good news. God doesnt see our sin anymore and gives us a new heart to believe and receive Him. God is such a wonderful serving God. He has always served us first. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. We as believers in this Good News are a beautiful love gift from the Father to the Son, and from the Son back to the Father. We Christians need to understand the Holiness of God as well as our sinfulness. It is very important to not confuse the distinctions between the Laws of God and the Gospel. Our bent hearts always want to add+ works, to Jesus's finished atoning work. As believers our conscience always testifies against us when we sin. Looking within ourselves to satisfy God or trying to do what Jesus did is not the way. It will always be by the imputed righteous life of Jesus and His Death, that restores Gods people back to God, and believers trusting in Christ alone. Thanks be to God for redeeming us to himself and thanks be to God for Faith in Christ Alone for Salvation and Reconciliation. Romans 8:1: “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” 

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