Sunday, November 13, 2022

Borca Florida Cartography

#BORCA - 1 in 4 millio in the Usa



I have always thought my name a little strange. My last name is BORCA. I have been doing some research on the name Borca and have found out that it is not a very common name. I already had sensed it wasn’t very common having never really met any other Borcas except my immediate family.

Borca has a town in the Yugoslavia region and comes from a word that means swamp. This makes sense when you look at the area of Borca it is flat and has a lot of water and probably flooding. However, there is also etymology that shows the name BORCA could come from Borja which is a Spanish descent and that it came from soldiers that moved to Italy long ago.

In the province of Turin (Piedmont - Italy), this name is relatively common in the city of Castagneto Po and surroundings. The origin of the name is probably from the Spanish surname Borja. Many Spanish soldiers come to Italy in the past. It is likely a Spanish man with this name decided to remain in Piedmont and his name was transcribed in Borca (the sound is very similar). For example another surname in the same zone is Ullio, probably from the Spanish name Julio. In Italy the surname Borja was also transcribed as Borgia.

Borca is the 143,965th common name in the world. There are only 3,088 people in the world with this last name. This can make having this name very annoying since you have an almost unique name once it is paired with your first and last name. While this seems cool, it can be the opposite as well. Think BIG BROTHER!

Here are some interesting maps that I found that show the distribution of BORCA across the world. There is also a table that shows the population of BORCA in each country.







Some facts from the Forebearers website.

Borca Last Name Facts

Where Does The Last Name Borca Come From? nationality or country of origin

Borca is more frequently found in Romania than any other country/territory. It can be rendered as: Borça or Borča. For other potential spellings of Borca click here.

How Common Is The Last Name Borca? popularity and diffusion

This last name is the 143,965th most frequently used last name at a global level. It is borne by approximately 1 in 2,359,957 people. It is mostly found in Europe, where 75 percent of Borca reside; 53 percent reside in Eastern Europe and 52 percent reside in Romanian Europe. Borca is also the 450,135th most frequently occurring first name on earth It is held by 372 people.

The last name is most widely held in Romania, where it is held by 1,620 people, or 1 in 12,394. In Romania it is most numerous in: Maramureș County, where 23 percent live, Timiș County, where 13 percent live and Hunedoara County, where 12 percent live. Not including Romania this last name is found in 33 countries. It is also common in Italy, where 16 percent live and The Philippines, where 15 percent live.

Borca Last Name Statistics demography

In The United States those holding the Borca last name are 26.56% more likely to be registered Republicans than The US average, with 73.33% being registered with the party.

Borca earn somewhat more than the average income. In United States they earn 8.64% more than the national average, earning $46,879 USD per year.



#Cartography Borca


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